
Dark memories laying aside ,Untamed demons playing around ,you found yourself sitting in the middle of this dark room having macabre thoughts. with mourning in your eyes and then you try to elude from the whole situation and act as a normal human.
With a deny to the restlessness you were feeling inside you try to leave the room and start strolling toward the door making a fail attempt to leave all thing behind .The things which now became an inseparable part of your life as you try to do so the weight on your shoulders can be felt easily. you are being crushed beneath the erroneous choices you have made in the past.
Those emotions on your face are trying to hide the fact that your soul is torn apart already ,may be a small sign of life trying to survive inside this hollow body in some murky region. But with all those restriction on your actions,made you to make utterly ridiculous choices over your principles and morals ,

those choices have destroyed your beliefs and you feel like you have been trounced by the LIFE itself

You have reached to the door and you just want to open that and get escaped from all these dark thoughts and illusion.Whats on your mind is  this that Behind this door there is a world of happiness and rainbows. You touched the door knob and about to open it but suddenly got grabbed by demons present in the room  they are like those thoughts that grab you and pull you back from doing anything new as if they are putting the thoughts in mind that ,what IF it doesn’t work out right ?,What if everything doesn’t go out by the plan ?

They drag you all across  the room  towards the same corner  from which you escaped earlier .you want to decimate your demons but they are strong enough to tackle your will power as they are feed from the fear that we have and we all can bet on that

fear is the strongest fuel that we can  feed to the opportunities to kill itself.

You have been thrown back to your corner which gradually turning into your comfort zone. you find yourself defeated ,insubstantial there is no more back fights from you .You start believing in fate you think this is whats written in your faith and there never is and will be power to fight against all those odds of your freedom. you have been a prisoner to that dark corner where you feel like there is no new beginning. there is no light at the end of the tunnel and at least not for you.

There is a pain inside of you emerging slowly,you want to scream and shout but there no one to listen more of like no one want to listen .All you want to believe, that’s all of this is an illusion and nothing is closed your eyes with a HOPE that when you open them back again these all dark thoughts these demons ,this dark room all be gone .In those moments when your eyes closed you can hear your inside voices clearly they have been asking you to give up ,accept the defeat and embrace this darkness around you and just lie there in that room forever.

But this is not what you really are, you never have  given up without a fight .There are only a few moments come in life where you can show your true mettle.These dark thoughts and memories are  just want to see your scarlet blood on some shiny sharp objects lacerate your wrist , so that those tiny drops of blood just start falling like the drizzle rain and the pain you will sense will be outrageous and you can actually feel your body going numb can be defined as it is

like getting high on agony with haunting thoughts.

but at least it will be quick and you do not have to stay in this room, forever . A impulsive pain and in a  minute all of those dark thoughts and the inside voices feel little bit dizzy and then body collapsed and  hit the ground and the whole floor seems washed up  by the blood and then it seems a bodily figure arise from you and it started slowly moving away from that dark corner where you had fallen and that figure is moving across the room towards the door leaving its clear  foot prints in that blood of pool it opened the door and left the  ROOM.

Is this the only way?

Aside  —  Posted: January 7, 2014 in Uncategorized
Tags: , , , , , , ,


A video extract which got struck in my mind a long time ago :


[people whispering]

“She isn’t fast enough”

“HE is too short”

“HE is good but not good enough”

“She failed again”

“He is not talented at all”

“he has no chance to succeed”

“She should quit”

“he should stop dreaming”

[Background voice]

It starts in my mind ,just me and The game ,
I don’t play against the opponents ,i play against the odds
I play against all those who says
I am not tall enough not strong enough
not fast enough not talented enough
well this is not there fight to fight, its mine

I am determined to make the impossible possible

I did not choose where i was born but i can choose what i will be

its my dream, its my challenge, its my chance, its my life

its my faith, its my strength, its my passion, its my desire

its my effort, its my sacrifice, its my moment

its my game

Aside  —  Posted: December 28, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Life’s biggest question is decided by your choices ,not by your fate

Quote  —  Posted: December 21, 2013 in Uncategorized

If you repeat a lie often enough ,it becomes RELIGION

even politics is same

Quote  —  Posted: December 14, 2013 in Uncategorized

Nothing to loose:nothing to fear ::Nothing to gain: nothing to achieve

Quote  —  Posted: December 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

Live like there left nothing to regret

you got only one

Quote  —  Posted: December 9, 2013 in Uncategorized
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2 minute story…..
A cold evening,sunlight diminishing, A lonely road and you!
And suddenly everything in slow motion.

I saw you coming from a distance
and had a first look of you….
Hair tucked behind your ears .. ..that short
smile,embracing d whole beauty of yours….
then those deep eyes wondering somewhere …like
searching for me on those lonely road,but sadly it was not the case
and all my heart was shouting wow you are so beautiful

You walk past me slowly, and all i wished let’s
stop the time right here,what we say ‘carpe diem‘.
I still remember your half smile,the smile that dimpled your face..
all i wished let this will be forever for me
I fell for you right there,nothing else i can think
of,other than your charm…..i can use fancy
words to express it but i want to keep this
simple same to your looks.
and i said to myself Well if she is not a ten, she is a 9.9..
Feeling can’t be expressed in words…and nor
your beauty…

and then you start drifting away, my whole world stopped
i felt like i am about to die ,i think this is what
people calls taking breath away. but then you sluggishly
turn back a little… looked into my eyes for the
first time ,and smiled and your elegant smile stole my only heart.
hair fallen on your lovely face covering the glimpse of the beauty that i was dying to see
then slowly you tucked your hair to back of your ear and i thought i am having the dream of my lifetime .

A impulsive thought came to my mind to  stop you
right there and hold your hand but i was amazed.
i saw the look on your face, you were blushing
you tried to hide the fact that i am looking at
you and trying not to have “Love at first sight” if
there is something like that.
your eyes trying to hide all that shyness which in fact
enhancing the beauty of yours….

first time i found something to die for ,ironically First time its feel like there is something to live for.

and then you walked away…. away… away…

fades in my vision and forever imprinted in my memory.

and i was back on track to my favorite tea stall . saying to me ‘jyada ho gya’ (its too much!!)

face palming my self.Idiot not again.


It’s all by FATE ,just WISHES didn’t figure it out yet

Quote  —  Posted: October 21, 2013 in Uncategorized


What if one day all i want is to leave everything behind .Just free myself from every single string attached .Just dropped all the future ideas and thinking .Free myself from Expectation ,Destination,Success ,Failures and  all those things that make people to keep awake in night .

So one day just woke up and get ready ,follow a simple plan ‘Get out and Live’. All the decisions were made already just grab a dusty bag put a book in it ,a headphone ,your favorite music ,a camera and just leave .Drive where you always wanna drive.

Don’t choose the destination this time ,choose a road ,choose a direction and DRIVE.

This time Stop will be made not because of the profession or necessity this time stops will be made because you want to,reasons can be just to take a deep breath to flush all the air that were inside you because of those four walls in which you always stay because you were so busy in chasing the DREAMS that you left the LIFE far behind . This journey is to make those moment precious and catch your Life .

Now my journey begins this time sitting on bike is different the air that caressing my face feel different this time i feel controlled i feel complete. Now when I am on open road everything feel different this time .I saw an old crowd ,yesterday I was the part of that crowd, now I have sympathy for that crowd they still wondering what they are doing they are still in loop of which they think ,there will be a happy ending ,Maybe some of them are right but i can’t wait for that end and i don’t believe in happy endings .I Want to be happy right now and i don’t want it in the end .I want to have that feeling in which i feel so complete that i feel happy whenever i want,no Hand of faith in which be.  We all know that we are not sure that there will be any tomorrow still We plan for tomorrow, put things off for another day  and work like idiots, believing that we will have more time in the future. Well, I am here to remind you that your are on the wrong path.

Now i am just leaving everything ,every promise,every destination,every thought,every responsibilities  in the rear view mirror ,with only one and only One PLAN to follow-Live Now ,End can be in a blink ,Sacrifice for others are good but while doing that don’t forget you have a life too Live for yourself even for a day or month but One time Follow the PLAN.

Now i just hope that one day you will be able to develop blueprints of your PLAN that maybe different from mine maybe its better than me, maybe your Happiness lies in other things which differ from mine  but I only want to know that one day you will decimate this present life and follow your PLAN for one day or for one month or hoping for LIFETIME.


Sometime its not What you want ,sometime its just about whats you have and how can you utilise to make it useful to others .

Because life’s a sour journey ,you will not always have what you planned  ,and its not always to whine about and its also not always about you.

Quote  —  Posted: September 27, 2013 in Uncategorized